Monday, January 11, 2010

Things I Learned Last Week

So, I'm without internet at home for the week. This entry comes from a rushed visit to the local Starbucks. This time next week I'll be back to regular daily posts.

1. Beet sugar - Sugar in Canada is also produced from sugar beets grown in Alberta. The white sugar beet is from the same family as the vegetable beetroot but contains a high concentration of sugar (sucrose) – 15 – 20% by weight. The sugar beets are harvested in the fall, and then processed to extract the sugar and separate it from the fibre, water and other non-sugar materials. Major by-products include molasses and beet pulp, which is used to produce a highly nutritious animal feed.

2. I just found out that there is a Canadian Sugar Institute. I guess that makes

3. Chinese Five Spice powder formula is based on the Chinese philosophy of balancing the yin and yang in food. Although this spice is used in restaurant cooking, many Chinese households do not use it in day-to-day cooking. Star Anise is a key ingredient (I just picked some up today to try making my own five spice powder).

My time is up, or I would tell you more.

Oh, Starbucks introduces it's new loose-leaf teas tomorrow. Exciting!

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